Gift & estate planning is a great way to support Baystate Health Foundation while generating income for yourself and your family. Explore below to learn more.
Life Income Gifts
From honoring a loved one to saving taxes to generating income for life, a planned gift lets you take care of you and yours while ensuring the vital future of Baystate Health.
Do more than you thought possible through charitable giving and financial planning. From honoring a loved one to saving taxes to generating income for life, a planned gift lets you take care of you and yours while ensuring the vital future of Baystate He
Charitable Gift Annuities Funded with Cash or Securities
A charitable gift annuity provides fixed payments to you or others you name for life in exchange for your gift of cash or securities.
Charitable Remainder Trust
A charitable remainder unitrust can help you maintain or increase your income while making a significant gift to Baystate Health Foundation. The charitable remainder unitrust is highly flexible. You can easily make gifts of assets that are not easily converted to cash using the unitrust. If your unitrust grows, your payments will grow too, providing a potential hedge against inflation.
Charitable Gift Annuity Funded with Your Qualified Charitable Distribution
If you are age 70.5, you may also fund a charitable gift annuity with your retirement assets and received fixed income for life .
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